The Voice

About The Voice

Chorus America's award-winning quarterly magazine, The Voice, highlights chorus news, artistic initiatives in the choral world, and advice and commentary on the business of running a successful chorus. The Voice is distributed to nearly 2,000 choral leaders throughout North America. It is published in Spring, Summer, and Fall/Winter; ISSN 1074-0805. Browse articles and past issues in the tabs below. Editor, Liza W. Beth

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Performances of Bach's Passions , particularly in light of the attention that Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ has received, present an opportunity for Christians and Jews to confront...
It might be time to update and upgrade your own choral recording library. When the Voice asked today's classical music broadcast personalities, "What three or four choral recordings would you...
Are you frustrated by your board's effectiveness in raising dollars? Finding the right board leaders can yield rich dividends. We explore some of the best techniques for getting your board...
College a cappella pretty much started at Yale in 1909 with the Whiffenpoofs, a Glee Club spin-off quartet that sang regularly at Mory's Temple Bar, a campus restaurant. Now, a...
Powerful early experiences set conductors on career paths with unusual twists and turns. Several conductors recount how they got their start.
Choruses undergo many transitions in their life span—founder transitions, music director transitions, transitions from volunteer to paid staff. Perhaps the most delicate of these important transitions is the evolution from...
Activities undertaken by children and teens can profoundly influence the shape of their lives, and singing in a chorus is unusually powerful. Interviews with choral singers show that such early...
There’s a good chance that, like many nonprofits, you aren’t happy with your attempts to achieve diversity. If your best-intentioned efforts are failing, consider these 10 steps to promoting inclusion...
A chorus by its very nature is a collaboration - singers, instrumentalists, music directors, front-office staff—all, according to Webster, performing work or labor together, especially literary (read artistic) pursuits." So...
What image comes to mind when you hear the term founder transition? Do you think tempest? Do you think sunset cruise? During my work as an arts management consultant I...
Ask these seven questions to start laying the foundation for an ethics program for your chorus, as recommended in " A New Ethics Environment " by Michael Daigneault, Esq.
You may think that choruses are immune from the transformations that will result from the business and ethics crises that beset politicians and corporations. Far from it. Ethics touches every...