Kit of Parts

One of Chorus America's greatest strengths is a diverse governing board of accomplished arts leaders from communities across North America.


Vice president
Rollo Dilworth: Dilworth served 10 years on Chorus America’s Board and is being invited back for a new term, after a year’s hiatus. He served as Board chair from 2014 – 2016. More than 150 of Dilworth...
Dr. Anton Armstrong wearing a tuxedo
Chair; Tosdal Professor of Music, St. Olaf College
Dr. Anton Armstrong served on Chorus America’s Board from 2008 – 2017. He is the Tosdal Professor of Music at St. Olaf College , and became the fourth conductor of the St. Olaf Choir in 1990 after ten...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum vel lorem at tempus. Nullam faucibus diam eget lorem maximus, eget ornare tellus volutpat. Duis eget congue diam. Phasellus tempor...

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Chorus America is the advocacy, research, and leadership development organization that advances the choral field. We support and serve choral conductors, administrators, board members, and singers with tools, training, peer networking, and access so that choruses are better able to contribute to their communities.

Chorus America serves more than 6,000 choruses, individuals, businesses, and organizations with a wide array of programs, publications, research, and professional services. These services strengthen their ability to build strong organizations that foster quality choral performances and community connections.

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Chorus America is the advocacy, research, and leadership development organization that advances the choral field. We support and serve choral conductors, administrators, board members, and singers with tools, training, peer networking, and access so that choruses are better able to contribute to their communities.

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Chorus America is the advocacy, research, and leadership development organization that advances the choral field. We support and serve choral conductors, administrators, board members, and singers with tools, training, peer networking, and access so that choruses are better able to contribute to their communities.

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Chorus America is the advocacy, research, and leadership development organization that advances the choral field. We support and serve choral conductors, administrators, board members, and singers with tools, training, peer networking, and access so that choruses are better able to contribute to their communities.

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Chorus America is the advocacy, research, and leadership development organization that advances the choral field. We support and serve choral conductors, administrators, board members, and singers with tools, training, peer networking, and access so that choruses are better able to contribute to their communities.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dui libero, blandit id lacus a, maximus blandit erat. Aliquam laoreet urna in nunc pretium rutrum. Ut vel nisl sed mauris volutpat volutpat. Mauris in eros ac mi tincidunt hendrerit sed ut libero. Donec scelerisque magna sit amet nulla convallis commodo. Nam tristique at tellus accumsan suscipit. Donec vitae nibh sed odio posuere venenatis id ut ex. Curabitur ut tincidunt libero. Fusce a bibendum ex, sed feugiat magna. Maecenas non massa non dolor rhoncus mattis. Nullam lacinia, erat commodo mollis rhoncus, massa turpis iaculis arcu, sed placerat ligula velit eget nisl. Suspendisse nec leo nunc. Nullam viverra dolor vel est vestibulum, ullamcorper tincidunt neque elementum. Sed luctus justo nec arcu finibus vulputate. Pellentesque at vestibulum lorem.

Duis non dui eget augue mattis condimentum. Ut tristique pulvinar elementum. In eget purus gravida diam vehicula facilisis quis a elit. Etiam eu lorem non velit tincidunt egestas. Vestibulum efficitur ac metus sagittis faucibus. Sed ornare felis eget libero tempor, quis volutpat eros pulvinar. Nunc faucibus nisi nec tellus molestie faucibus. Pellentesque et est dignissim, luctus nibh aliquet, tempus turpis. Fusce ac est purus. Donec elementum nisl quis iaculis interdum. Mauris urna risus, viverra at dignissim eleifend, cursus sit amet nisi. Sed varius, nisl in imperdiet placerat, lorem velit ornare mi, ut dapibus neque orci a massa. Quisque iaculis lorem eros, a fermentum est blandit vitae. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper velit, ut imperdiet nulla maximus in. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam at sem non dui sodales lobortis.


This is the image caption.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dui libero, blandit id lacus a, maximus blandit erat. Aliquam laoreet urna in nunc pretium rutrum. Ut vel nisl sed mauris volutpat volutpat. Mauris in eros ac mi tincidunt hendrerit sed ut libero. Donec scelerisque magna sit amet nulla convallis commodo. Nam tristique at tellus accumsan suscipit. Donec vitae nibh sed odio posuere venenatis id ut ex. Curabitur ut tincidunt libero. Fusce a bibendum ex, sed feugiat magna. Maecenas non massa non dolor rhoncus mattis. Nullam lacinia, erat commodo mollis rhoncus, massa turpis iaculis arcu, sed placerat ligula velit eget nisl. Suspendisse nec leo nunc. Nullam viverra dolor vel est vestibulum, ullamcorper tincidunt neque elementum. Sed luctus justo nec arcu finibus vulputate. Pellentesque at vestibulum lorem.

Duis non dui eget augue mattis condimentum. Ut tristique pulvinar elementum. In eget purus gravida diam vehicula facilisis quis a elit. Etiam eu lorem non velit tincidunt egestas. Vestibulum efficitur ac metus sagittis faucibus. Sed ornare felis eget libero tempor, quis volutpat eros pulvinar. Nunc faucibus nisi nec tellus molestie faucibus. Pellentesque et est dignissim, luctus nibh aliquet, tempus turpis. Fusce ac est purus. Donec elementum nisl quis iaculis interdum. Mauris urna risus, viverra at dignissim eleifend, cursus sit amet nisi. Sed varius, nisl in imperdiet placerat, lorem velit ornare mi, ut dapibus neque orci a massa. Quisque iaculis lorem eros, a fermentum est blandit vitae. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper velit, ut imperdiet nulla maximus in. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam at sem non dui sodales lobortis.

who we are
nature image
How do I create a site user account for the first time?

1) Click on the Login button in the upper right-hand corner of the site. A dropdown menu will appear with a link to “Create your site user account.” Or, simply click here.

2) You’ll be directed to a page that will enable you to enter your email address, choose a password, and choose a Display Name—that’s the name that will appear when you comment on an article, for example, or submit an event to our public calendar.

Important: If you are a Chorus America member, please use the email address that we have on file for you—that way, we can match your member record with your website account. The email address we have on file for you is where you’ve received emails from us in the past. If you’re unsure, please contact us at 202.331.7577 or at [email protected].

3)When you finish entering your information, be sure to click on “Create a New Account” at the bottom of the form. You will receive an email confirming that your registration was successful. Be sure to check your spam folder if you haven't received the email.

4) The next time you visit the site, all you need to do is click the Login button, and enter your email and password.

*Note: if you think you have a site user account already, but you are unsure of how to login, please contact the Membership Team.

What are the types of Chorus America memberships and the associated fees?

1) Click on the Login button in the upper right-hand corner of the site. A dropdown menu will appear with a link to “Create your site user account.” Or, simply click here.

2) You’ll be directed to a page that will enable you to enter your email address, choose a password, and choose a Display Name—that’s the name that will appear when you comment on an article, for example, or submit an event to our public calendar.

Important: If you are a Chorus America member, please use the email address that we have on file for you—that way, we can match your member record with your website account. The email address we have on file for you is where you’ve received emails from us in the past. If you’re unsure, please contact us at 202.331.7577 or at [email protected].

3)When you finish entering your information, be sure to click on “Create a New Account” at the bottom of the form. You will receive an email confirming that your registration was successful. Be sure to check your spam folder if you haven't received the email.

4) The next time you visit the site, all you need to do is click the Login button, and enter your email and password.

*Note: if you think you have a site user account already, but you are unsure of how to login, please contact the Membership Team.

Who should be the Account Manager for my organization?

1) Click on the Login button in the upper right-hand corner of the site. A dropdown menu will appear with a link to “Create your site user account.” Or, simply click here.

2) You’ll be directed to a page that will enable you to enter your email address, choose a password, and choose a Display Name—that’s the name that will appear when you comment on an article, for example, or submit an event to our public calendar.

Important: If you are a Chorus America member, please use the email address that we have on file for you—that way, we can match your member record with your website account. The email address we have on file for you is where you’ve received emails from us in the past. If you’re unsure, please contact us at 202.331.7577 or at [email protected].

3)When you finish entering your information, be sure to click on “Create a New Account” at the bottom of the form. You will receive an email confirming that your registration was successful. Be sure to check your spam folder if you haven't received the email.

4) The next time you visit the site, all you need to do is click the Login button, and enter your email and password.

*Note: if you think you have a site user account already, but you are unsure of how to login, please contact the Membership Team.