Jennine Speier, MD

Jennine Speier, MD, is a board certified physician in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Sister Kenney Rehabilitation Institute at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis. She is a member of the Performing Arts Medicine Association. She is the Medical Director Emeritus of the Institute. She and her wonderful team of hand therapists have 30 years of experience in treating musicians with musculoskeletal and neurologic problems. Her therapists use advanced biofeedback (for muscle relaxation and coordination) integrated with video either with the patient's own instrument or a Yamaha Midi-type keyboard. Her therapists also provide treatment for pain and spasm relief, instruction on posture and strengthening (including Pilates, Feldenkreis), modify instruments, fabricate splints, and facilitate the return to playing. Speier is a pianist who plays just well enough to have insight into some of the challenges musicians face.