Advertise on our Website

Our award-winning website receives thousands of visitors every month from North America and beyond. We offer Sponsored Stories to help you tell your story and display ad placements for any length customized to your needs.

Sponsored Stories

Sponsored stories are our newest and most engaging form of advertising. You have a story to tell - Chorus America will work with you to craft a feature that highlights the impact of your work on the choral field.

FormatRates and Add Ons
Long-form - Up to 1,000 words$1,750
Long-form - Up to 2,000 words$2,000
Voice add-onAdditional $500
Extra e-newsletter add-onAdditional $250
Non-memberNot available


Sponsored story standard packages include placement in Articles in perpetuity, placement in Good Read of Update, 1 boosted post on Facebook and Instagram, 1 organic post on Twitter, and 1-month long placement on's homepage.

For more information on developing a sponsored story, contact associate director of communications Mike Rowan at [email protected] or schedule a 30-minute conversation with Mike.


Reserve Your Ad

Complete and submit the following reservation form to [email protected]:


Download a one-page summary of our advertising opportunities:



For more information, please contact associate director of communications Mike Rowan at [email protected] or schedule a 30-minute conversation with Mike.